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In the first season of “Line of Sight: Infiltrator” the whole adventure starts, and Commander Shepard finds himself in a strange and dangerous situation, which was never expected to be even possible.
LoSI Season 01 | <– You Are Here | Watch Playlist on Youtube |
LoSI Season 02 | Watch Playlist on Youtube | |
LoSI Season 03 | Watch Playlist on Youtube | |
LoSI Season 04 | Watch Playlist on Youtube |

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Line of Sight: Infiltrator – Season 01
Episode 1: Eden Prime
Commander Shepard, XO to Captain Anderson of the Normandy SR1, is sent on a secret mission on the farming colony Eden Prime. But when they get there, things get a lot more complicated.
Released on 2021-04-03
Episode 2: Woes of a Consort
Having arrived on the Citadel, Commander Shepard finds out, that the Consort Sha’ira is in trouble, and decides to help her.
Released on 2021-04-07
Episode 3: The First Human Spectre
Thanks to the young Quarian Tali’Zorah nar Rayya, Commander Shepard and his crew can expose the traitorous Saren Arterius. But to stop the rogue Spectre, the Council has only one option left.
Released on 2021-04-10
Episode 4: Things Left To Do
Commander Shepard, the first human Spectre, is about to leave the Citadel. But before he can do so, some unfinished things have to be attended to, and still open questions need answers.
Released on 2021-04-14
Episode 5: Dr.T’Soni
The Normandy heads to the Artemis Tau cluster to search for Dr. Liara T’Soni, daughter of Matriarch Benezia. Dr. T’Soni is an expert on the protheans and might be able to help finding the Conduit.
Released on 2021-04-18
Episode 6: Nassanas Call
After Liaras rescue, Shepard heads to Edolus to search for marines gone missing. When the Normandy reaches Edolus, Nassana Dantius calls Shepard with an urgent request.
Released on 2021-04-21
Episode 7: Nassanas Secret
Still in the Artemis Tau Cluster, the Normandy crew discovers a dark secret the Asari diplomat Nassana Dantius has. Shepard orders the Normandy back to the Citadel to confront Nassana.
Released on 2021-04-24
Episode 8: Rogue VI
While on their way to Feros, the Normandy crew receives an urgent call from General Hackett. A combat assistant VI has take over an Alliance training ground located on Earth’s moon.
Released on 2021-04-28
Episode 9: Fanatics, Lord and Burns
A besieged base on Chohe, missing scientists on Trebin, a crime lord on Klensal and a kidnapped chairman in the Farinata system. The Hades Gamma Cluster keeps the Normandy crew busy.
Released on 2021-05-01
Episode 10: The Cipher 1
Following a lead given by Ambassador Udina, the Normandy heads to Feros in the Theseus system. Upon arrival Shepard learns, that the colony has been attacked, and that its occupants are in grave danger.
Released on 2021-05-08
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To Be Continued …
After LoSI Season 01, Commander Shepard Returns in Season 02!