Page Contents

In this area you can find information about the Mass Effect Videos I am publishing on YouTube.
All videos are posted on the Eden-Prime-Time channel, and are organized and sorted via playlists.
Apart from first Let’s Play series called “Line of Sight: Infiltrator” and the upcoming series “Overpowered Biotic: Vanguard“, I do specials presenting mods, love stories, extended romance scenes and more.
Please see below for an overview.
Latest Posts about Eden Prime Time
- Let’s Play Series
- Line of Sight: Infiltrator
- Overpowered Biotic: Vanguard (Prequel Playlist with Speedruns)
- Full Love Stories – All scenes – All talks – Many extra scenes
- Tali’Zorah Love Story (Male Shepard and Tali’Zorah)
- Jenny & Miri Love Story (Female Shepard and Miranda Lawson)
- ME Love Stories (Various stories that can be told in one video)
- Modding Guides
- Mass Effect 1 Modding Guide (Original Trilogy)
- Mass Effect 2 Modding Guide (Original Trilogy)
- Mass Effect 3 Modding Guide (Original Trilogy)
- Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition
- Mass Effect 2 Legendary Edition
- Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition
- Short Love Stories – Condensed stories with extra long extended romance scenes
- Mod Of The Month – Every month I present another spectacular mod
- Eden Prime Time Specials – All special videos that do not fit in any other category
I love my job. But it can be very exhausting. Sometimes I need something to distract me enough from the many thoughts whirling around the many projects at work. Computer games a a great way to do so.
In January 2012 I got Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 for my birthday. It took four hours to create a character, move around the Normandy SR1 the first time, and to finally touch down on Eden Prime. I was completely awestruck.
Now, years later, I have played through the trilogy, I got Mass Effect 3 for my birthday in 2014, several times with all classes. Being a member on Nexus Mods, I have massively modded all three titles. No, I am not a mod creator, not any more, but a heavy user of mods, which enhance game play and graphics.
In late 2020 articles about a possible Mass Effect 4, and a definite Mass Effect Legendary Edition emerged. Unfortunately I neither have the hardware to play these on, nor can I afford buying new games at the moment. But these articles were heavily commented, and many of these comments were about the nostalgia of the “Good ol’days”.
As I was about to do my final run with a fresh Infiltrator in Mass Effect 1, a friend of mine convinced me, that it might be a good idea to film this. I could then make my playing of the original trilogy available to all those who miss the games, but have moved on, and simply do not have the time to install three games and play them through again.
So, these Mass Effect Videos are for you, guys!
Supporting Options
If you like what I am doing, you can
* join my Patreon at: or
* buy me a coffee at: https://buymeacoffee/EdenPrimeTime
to show your support and to gain access to exclusive videos.
If I manage to achieve a stable support of about 300€ per month, I can afford a loan on a high-end PC. With this I can record in top 4K quality (maybe even 8K) and can publish more frequently.
All supporters with “Members” level and up will get access to commented uncut video and the extra extra long long versions of my extended romance videos.
What did I cut out from the Mass Effect Videos?
All videos have reduced elevator rides, only news and conversations are left in. The regular videos do not show character and equipment upgrading, buying and selling of equipment, and map navigation. Also certain areas are not shown in the regular videos.
Patrons with at least the “Members” level will get access to the uncut versions of the regular videos, including commentary on many of the otherwise cut out parts.
Modding Mass Effect
Of course I don’t film vanilla Mass Effect, but heavily modded installations. Please check out for guides about how you can achieve the same results.